Students from Year 10 and 11 were exposed to careers with guest speakers from The Royal Navy and an Architect.

The skills and qualifications for these career pathways were discussed, as well as what these careers entailed. Presentations were wrapped up with questions asked by the students who were interested in these fields of work.

Letty (Y11) said, “the assembly went well. I really enjoyed having different points of view in the workplace from different jobs. This helped me to think hard about my career when I leave school and gives me a better idea of what I want to do.”

Sophie (Y11) said, “Inspiring and enlightening to hear different aspects of these careers. It breaks down the stereotypical barriers around these kinds of jobs.”

“As I am aspiring to be an architect, it was really useful. I learnt a lot about different types of roles and how to get there,” Natalia (Y10) said.