Reporting a concern

This link immediately notifies the safeguarding team at the academy. You may not be contacted about your concern due to confidentiality.

Please provide as much detail when reporting any concerns including date, time, location and any persons involved.

If you believe a person is in immediate danger of serious risk, you must contact the Police by dialling 999.

Wolverhampton Children’s Services can be contacted for advice on 01902 555392 (Mon-Thurs 8:30am – 5pm (4:30pm on Fridays)) or 01902 552999 (out of hours).

Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility


“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.” (KCSIE 2023)

St Edmund’s Catholic Academy is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the young people entrusted into our care at all times.

The health, well-being and safety of all students who attend the academy is our paramount concern. Young people have the right to feel safe and protected, regardless of age, religion, gender, sexuality, race, culture or disability. As a Catholic academy, we believe that all our learners are equal in the sight of God and this understanding informs all that we do to safeguard and protect them.The internet is a vast resource, with great benefits to teaching and learning.  In order to ensure our learners and staff are only presented with content that is relevant and suitable to them we provide strict internet filtering and monitoring. Internet activity is actively monitored and new sites are categorised to ensure the highest level of safety.

St Edmund’s Catholic Academy follows the ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (Sept 2023)’ guidelines and this should be read in conjunction with ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’.

All staff within the academy support and safeguard our young people in line with our ‘Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy ‘.

To get in touch with the safeguarding team, please contact the Academy on 01902 558888.

Ms Cathy Corbett

Link Governor Safeguarding

Miss J Buckle

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs A Durnall

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – Attendance and EWO

Mr G Randhawa

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Academy Safeguarding Officer

Miss A Dell

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - Senior AHOY

01902 558888 ext 150

Mrs S Roderick

Additional Educational Needs Coordinator (AENCo)

01902 558888 ext 128