Email address
Transition LeadMrs Hand[email protected]
Head of year 7Miss Collymore[email protected]
Assistant head of year 7Mr Jackson[email protected]
Head of year 8Mr Perkins[email protected]
Assistant head of year 8Miss Dell[email protected]
Head of year 9Mrs Jeer[email protected]
Assistant head of year 9Ms Bahra[email protected]
Head of Lower school (years 7-9)Mr Selvey[email protected]
Head of year 10Mr Taylor[email protected]
Assistant head of year 10Mrs Grant[email protected]
Head of year 11Mr Sohker[email protected]
Assistant head of year 11Miss Dell[email protected]
Head of upper school (years 10-11)Mr Harris[email protected]
SCSC Inclusion ManagerMr Banks[email protected]
Senior mental health leadMrs Letheren[email protected]
Safeguarding concerns[email protected]