This term, Andy Salmon (AKA Sir Linkalot) came to St. Edmund’s to work with our Year 7 and 8 students.The Thinkalink programme aims to provide strategies to support students in memorising important information.  Since the launch of the company in 2009, Thinkalink have presented to 150,000 children and 10,000 teachers at 175 schools UK wide. The British Dyslexia Association believe that Thinkalink’s innovative spelling technique ‘Letter Linking‘ is ground-breaking.

Throughout the day, our students were introduced to the world of ‘Linking’ – a fun and easy way to remember any fact. Andy showed students how linking can be used to remember anything.  Students were given links for remembering tricky words, equipping them to make sense of those tough spellings that appear to make no sense.  Andy also gave students a tip for remembering over seventy years of history in just one link.The day was a huge success and students are already using the links across the curriculum.