Our Chaplaincy Team this year decided to put together lots of feathers to make 2 ‘Angel Wings’. Mrs Ferris asked the form tutors to ask the students if they would like to either design a feather, write their new year’s resolution on, their aspiration or inspiring quote.
‘God has created me to do some definite service…I have my mission. I shall be an angel of peace.’ Saint John Henry Newman
We hope you like the final display inspiring students to aim high and be the best they can be.
From the moment that you are born you have all the potential in the world inside you. God gives you this potential but it is up to you to make the most of what you are given. That means pushing yourself to accomplish great things, and taking some risks that are worthwhile in order to grow as an individual. Don’t let a fear of heights keep you from reaching the top and seeing the most incredible view. Your wings are already there, you just have to recognize that you have them so you can successfully take off. Don’t be one of the people who do not accomplish what they could have just because they mistakenly thought they were missing the tools needed to achieve their goals.
‘Your wings already exist…all you have to do is fly’.