Year 9 pupils have had the privilege of being taught by Mr Numbervator this term, as he visited us to share his passion for Maths.

Mr Numbervator is a remarkable character utterly dedicated to getting the essential skills and concepts of Maths across to the younger generation in an imaginative, action packed, challenging fun way which extends children’s thinking.

He also writes and presents maths programmes on BBC 1 and Teachers TV. All of the pupils thoroughly enjoyed it and it was refreshing to explore new ways of teaching maths.

Kyle Hand, 9HM said: “I have learnt many things from Mr Numbervator, but the thing that got me was the ordering of numbers into the correct order and turning them into decimals. I would recommend him to other pupils because I had a really good time and lots of other pupils can learn a lot from him – heads up on the info, it really helped me and will probably help me in my GCSE work.”
