On Tuesday 5th December 2023, we held our annual Senior Citizen Party.

Around 100 members of our community were invited to join us for a fun filled afternoon of celebrations. This community event is run by Mrs Hogg and St Edmund’s Catholic Academy Sixth Form students and is looked forward to each year.

Members of the community were welcomed into school and spent the afternoon with Year 13 students, playing bingo and reindeer hoopla, eating and being served party food by Year 12, listening to a performance from St Edmund’s Faith Band and we even had a visit from Wolfie and Santa!

Lower School Prefects also ran a project for Year 7 to write prayer cards which were included in the gift bags.

Thank you so much to our sponsors: Homesmart Blinds, Repose Furniture and The School Psychology Service. Your generous donations were greatly appreciated.

Alongside our sponsors, we had a donation of Christmas crackers and fundraising from B&M Bentley Bridge staff, raffle prizes donated by St Edmund’s staff, cakes made by Samantha Deakin, and cakes and sausage rolls made by Ros Haines.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in the running of this annual event.