On Wednesday 16th January 49 Design and Technology students from year 10, 12 and 13 embarked on a visit to the Harry Potter Studios in Watford North London.

During the visit students where shown how artist, designers, carpenters, computer programmers. Costume designers and set builders turned J.K Rowling’s series of books into the visually stunning movie series.  The visit allowed the students alternative career paths that technology can take you and see the importance creative skills has in the world of work.

The students got to see the various different props that were used along with the creatures that were created and how they were brought to life.  Students also got to walk around the various sets such as Privet Drive, The Leaky Cauldron, the Forbidden Forest and Diagon Alley.  Students also got to test their skills at flying a broom and their wand skills.  Some students even had the opportunity to try the interesting taste of Butterbeer that was met with mixed reviews.

The students and staff had a fantastic time and all students behaved perfectly and represented themselves and the school extremely well.  Thank you to all the staff who attended and helped with the organisation of the trip.