March 31st: DAFFODILS

If you have been “dropping off” at St Edmund’s in the last few weeks, you will have noticed the beautiful daffodils “tossing their heads in sprightly dance” (Wordsworth, not me!). 

I love daffodils. 

They are the most joyous of spring flowers and their resilience to the strangest of weathers and the absolute certainty that they will reflower each year,  gives me great sustenance.  

In fact, these flowers before the chapel are a good metaphor for our community right now – individually we may be delicate but together we are strong and joyous. We are back together, supporting each other, thankful that, this year, we have been able to celebrate the Easter liturgy as a community.  


Over the last month staff and students have been very busy. Two weeks of intensive lateral flow testing on site has now turned into home testing kits distributed to all staff and students. 

As I walk the corridors I see high engagement in lessons as teachers and students work hard to ensure any learning gaps caused by lockdown have been addressed.

Finally, our young people continue to serve those who need our help with huge boxes of Easter Eggs being delivered to local charities.  

The sun is shining today although Mrs Letheren tells me to expect snow next week!  Last-minute and unexpected change has become a daily part of post COVID schools but we are thriving thanks to our wonderful students, families and staff. 

I wish you all a happy and Holy Easter and hope you are able to enjoy a few extra freedoms as we move closer to lockdown. Please tune in for our final Easter liturgy ( and join us as we reflect on the true meaning of this blessed time.